Targeted funding to benefit community sport and recreation projects

Sep 1, 2020, 14:09 PM

Community sport and recreation projects are set to receive $100,000 under the State Government's Targeted Participation Program.

  • $100,000 program focuses on opportunities for those who may not traditionally access sport and recreation in a structured club environment.
  • Applications close on September 28.

The Targeted Participation Program is open to local community organisations and sport and recreation clubs with projects that can help increase the engagement and physical activity of groups within the community that traditionally have low participation rates in sport and active recreation.

The program is administered by the department in partnership with Healthway, with a focus on low participation groups. These groups include disengaged youth; Aboriginal people; seniors; and culturally and linguistically diverse people.

Applications for Category 3 grants for $5000 are now open, closing on 28 September 2020.