Contact register resources available

Dec 4, 2020, 11:45 AM

With just one day to go until COVID-19 contact registers become mandatory for many WA local businesses and venues, there are a number of State Government resources available to assist with communications to stakeholders.

In addition to the e-newsletter banners, social media tiles, fact sheets, contact register templates and instructional videos for businesses and individuals, the toolkit now also includes:

  • design templates for pull-up banners that can be placed in areas where patrons will queue
  • a simple sign highlighting to patrons that contact registration is mandated by the State Government
  • support posters that can be displayed next to the venue’s unique QR code
  • troubleshooting guides for businesses and individuals
  • style guide including logos (JPG) and (PDF)  to design a QR code poster.

Contact registers stakeholder toolkit

For those reaching out to culturally and linguistically diverse communities, the following resources have been translated into 28 languages. Click on the individual languages to find:

  • a choice of two contact register templates translated for businesses which prefer a paper-based contact registration system
  • one page fact sheet on maintain contact registers.

Resources other languages

For more information and advice on the COVID-19 coronavirus for the community and businesses in Western Australia head to