Authorised Inquiry reports tabled in Parliament

May 13, 2021, 09:14 AM

Authorised Inquiry reports into three local governments have been tabled in the Western Australian Parliament.

  • Authorised Inquiry reports into the City of Subiaco, City of Cockburn and Shire of Wiluna tabled in WA Parliament.
  • Councils have been provided recommendations on how to improve their operations and governance.

The reports, into the cities of Subiaco and Cockburn and the Shire of Wiluna, detail issues of concern at the three local governments.

They also provide recommendations intended to improve those governments' ability to provide good governance to the community.

Recommendations to improve the local governments' operations include:

  • a governance review at the City of Subiaco
  • a governance review and elected member/executive team training at the City of Cockburn
  • elected member training at the Shire of Wiluna.

All three councils must report back on improvements made to the department within a specified timeframe. 

Report of the Inquiry into City of Cockburn

Report of the Inquiry into the City of Subiaco

Report of the Inquiry into the Shire of Wiluna