To Dwell in Unity

Sep 22, 2021, 08:59 AM

To Dwell in Unity, a history of the first 150 years of local government, has been launched at this year’s Local Government Convention and Trade Exhibition.

The book was funded by DLGSC and WA Local Government Association (WALGA), and has been written and researched by Dr Chris Berry.

Dr Berry highlights some facts about WA local government such as the ‘hat pin’ bylaw, introduced in Northam in 1912 following reports of serious injury and even death caused by ladies’ hatpins of up to 12 inches. Seventeen ladies were soon charged under the unprotected hat pin bylaw, with 15 fined 10 shillings each. The Shire of Boulder’s hat pin bylaw (1912) was only repealed in the year 2000! 

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