True Sport child safeguarding resources unveiled

Nov 10, 2023, 09:06 AM

Latest initiative to create and maintain safe environments for children and young people in sport.

SportWest released its Child Safeguarding Initiative as part of True Sport, following on from the successful rollout of the mental health and wellbeing, and sideline behaviour initiatives rolled out earlier this year.

True Sport, which is delivered by SportWest with support from the Department of Local Government, Sport and Cultural Industries (DLGSC) focuses on the values and culture within sport being driven by the industry, for the industry.

Catering for all sports statewide, each of the initiatives feature training, resources and guidance on implementing new practices.

This next package of resources will support state sporting associations and clubs to create and maintain safe environments for children and young people and is aligned with the National Principles for Child Safe Organisations. 

DLGSC’s Child Safeguarding Implementation Unit, along with many other industry stakeholders, assisted SportWest’s development of the initiative.

This work follows on from the recent launch of True Sport’s second phasewhich focuses on the delivery of sector-specific training and implementation guidance across the sport sector.

True Sport Child Safeguarding resources will be rolled out to the sporting industry.