The South West has plenty on offer for sport and recreational enthusiasts.
Known for its world class surfing, the South West is abundant in outdoor activities while offering many traditional sporting and recreation opportunities.
From the smallest of rural communities, to the larger regional centres, sport and recreation is one of the main social interactions within South West communities.
With close to 600 sporting and recreational clubs in the South West, meeting the needs of our evolving industry is a challenge taken on by the local staff at the department.
Funding from the department for infrastructure, increasing participation and organisational development encourages the further development of sport and recreation in the South West.
In partnership with our local governments, the Club Development Network has developed the capacity of our clubs through workshops and seminars.
Supported by the department, the South West Academy of Sport and athlete funding provides vital support to our developing talented athletes to reach their peak performance.
The latest round of Community Sporting and Recreation Facilities Fund (CSRFF) and Club Night Lights Program (CNLP) small grants funding has been announced.
Regional athletes are kicking goals with the latest round of funding to support their ongoing development close to home — more than $2.6 million in total being provided by the State Government.
Eleven regional performing arts organisations will receive more than $1.3 million between them to support touring and reaching audiences in WA’s regions.
The Dalyellup community in our south-west will benefit from a $1 million boost to the construction of its new multipurpose community and youth centre
As filming for the psychological thriller The Surfer wraps up in the South West this week, figures are coming to hand showing the flow on economic benefits to the region from the State Government supported production.
One of Australia's biggest swimming festivals is set to return to Western Australia for a second year in 2024, injecting millions of dollars into the local economy.
Our regional and metropolitan local governments have been recognised for their innovative solutions to build community connections, activate local spaces and foster greater collaboration.
With less than 1 month to go until the start of the world's biggest female sporting event to be held in Australia and New Zealand — find out how you can be part of the FIFA Women's World Cup™ 2023 global sporting spectacular.
Spectator behaviour, club mental health and wellbeing, and retention of teenagers in sport were the key issues discussed at the ninth annual Peel Sports Forum at the Mandurah Offshore Fishing and Sailing Club.
Students throughout Western Australia will benefit from enriched learning through the arts following the allocation of $485,126 in Creativity for Schools funding for residency and collaboration projects.
Changes to Western Australian laws regulating the recruitment of general practitioners (GPs) and dentists by local governments will reduce red tape, easing the burden on many regional local governments trying to ensure their communities have the medical services they need.
From an Italian-Yamaji opera to intergenerational arts collaborations, a dozen regional projects will be increasing social inclusion and access to arts and culture.
The department works closely with a range of stakeholders in the South West region. These include local governments, the South West Development Commission, State Government agencies and not-for-profit organisations.
Brendan McNallyRegional Manager — Peel/South WestTelephone 61 8 9792 6944Mobile 0420 803 950Email
Cally GalliersRegional OfficerTelephone 61 8 9792 6946Mobile 0482 964 235Email
Within the South West Sportshouse there are development officers for various sports. These officers play an important role in developing and growing the sport within the region and work in close partnership with the department.
Peter DohntDevelopment ManagerMobile 0431 010 421Email
Rachel NormanChairEmail
Rob KennedyHead of Tennis Development and ParticipationMobile 0468 589 157Email
Garry Moss South West Talent ManagerMobile 0423 789 426 Email
Lowen FerrySouth West Competitions CoordinatorEmail