Regional Performing Arts

Funding to support the development of new performing arts work and touring of existing performing arts work in regional Western Australia.

Logo with the department's of Local Government, Sport and cultural Industries, and Biodiversity, Conservation and Attractions.

For the development and presentation of performing arts work in regional WA that align with 2 or more of the following objectives:

  • Increase the number, quality and variety of performance-based works created, produced and/or presented in regional WA.
  • Showcase unique Western Australian stories and enable local communities to tell and view stories that are relevant to them.
  • Engage new audiences and contribute to the liveability and vibrancy of regional communities.
  • Establish or further develop partnerships, collaborations and/or networks between artists, producers, arts organisations, regional venues and communities.
  • Provide employment and/or professional skill development opportunities for regional artists and arts workers in regional WA.
  • Support projects that increase access and participation or presentation opportunities by, with or for Aboriginal communities and/or young people.

Funding categories

Made in WA

Funding for the development of new performing art works, which are relevant and responsive to regional audiences and communities, that will be premiered in regional venues.

Playing WA

Funding for the touring of WA produced performing arts shows to regional and remote communities in Western Australia.

Who can apply

We recommend that the application is prepared and submitted by the party that will take the lead coordinating the activity.

If successful, this primary applicant will be issued with the contract and responsible for receiving payment and acquitting the grant.

Made in WA

WA based artists, producers and arts organisations working in partnership with WA regional venues, or vice versa, provided they meet the following criteria:

  • The artist, arts company, organisation or festival that will develop and/or produce the work is based in Western Australia.
  • The venue or festival that will premiere the work is in regional WA and has the capacity to receive and/or produce touring performing arts productions.

Playing WA

Western Australian performing arts groups, organisations or individual artists.

Please note, successful Playing WA Multiyear applicants are not eligible to apply for Playing WA for the duration of the grant funding period.

Funding rounds

Round Open Draft review Close Projects beginning after Notification Category
October 2023 9:00am 24 October 2023 4:00pm 16 November 2023 4:00pm 30 November 2023 1 March 2024 Approximately 12 weeks after round closing date
  • Made in WA
  • Playing WA
August 2024 9:00am 27 August 2024 4:00pm 19 September 2024 4:00pm 3 October 2024 1 January 2025 Approximately 12 weeks after round closing date
  • Made in WA
  • Playing WA
September 2025 9:00am 2 September 2025 4:00pm 25 September 2025 4:00pm 9 October 2025 15 January 2026 Approximately 12 weeks after round closing date
  • Made in WA
  • Playing WA

Funding overview

item.Fields.OpenDate: 8/27/2024 9:00:00 AM

Funding open

Who can apply

Amount available

  • Playing WA: Up to $150,000
  • Made in WA: Up to $150,000


You must read the guidelines before submitting an application as they provide essential information.

Regional Performing Arts Guidelines

Successful applications


Page reviewed 10 June 2024