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About the program

The program provides support to State Sporting Associations to deliver programs, services and policies to help them to stabilise operations and build capacity.

Primary objectives

  • To enhance the capacity and capability of the organisation to grow membership and participation and increase revenue.
  • To employ staff or engage consultancy services to assist State Sporting Associations to optimise performance.
  • Bespoke projects identified that support areas in the Annual Organisational Performance Assessment and the organisation’s strategic plan. 

Funding may be used for

  • employment of new staff
  • consultancy services
  • projects identified in the organisations Annual Organisational Performance Assessment or strategic plan
  • intrastate travel and accommodation costs.

Funding may not be used for

  • employee salary and employment costs for current staff
  • purchase of assets (e.g. sporting equipment, office equipment etc)
  • international travel costs
  • meals, catering, refreshments (other than for volunteers or officials)
  • team uniform costs
  • trophies, prize money and gifts.
  • ‘one-off’ events.

Assessment criteria

Applications will be assessed against the following criteria:

  • meets eligibility criteria
  • meets at least one of the Sport Development Funding Programs primary objectives
  • demonstrated need for the funding support to assist the organisation
  • demonstrated benefits to WA (sport development benefits and community benefits)
  • demonstrated capacity to deliver the project (how and who will undertake the project)
  • provision of a detailed budget.

Who can apply

Only State Sporting Associations that are recognised by the department at the time the program is advertised and are categorised as C, D, E, F or Provisional are eligible to apply for the Sport Development Funding Program.

What you must have to be eligible to apply

  • Your organisation will be required to maintain appropriate and sufficient insurance cover for the duration of the project. Please note, organisations will be required to have current public liability insurance to the value of ten million dollars per claim or occurrence giving rise to a claim. A certificate of currency of insurance for the coming year should be provided upon application.
  • Projects are not to commence before approval has been granted by the department. No retrospective funding will be considered.
Please note for round 2 — organisations must have acquitted all previous DLGSC grants prior to the funding being paid unless the grant is still current (current grants includes those that have been extended or are progressing through an acquittal process).

Who cannot apply

Organisations not eligible include individuals, groups of individuals, State Government departments and agencies and educational institutions including schools, universities and TAFE colleges or commercial entities. In this program State Sporting Associations that are Category A, B or Self-Sustaining are not eligible. Further, Industry Representative Organisations are also not eligible.

Organisations that received funding Sport Development Funding through round one are not eligible to apply for round two, even if the amount received was not the full eligible amount.

Application information

  • Organisations may only receive one grant per financial year.
  • Projects must not commence prior to funding approval, nor is funding retrospective.
  • Projects must start within the grant financial year.
  • Organisations with outstanding acquittals for any department grant may have payments withheld until outstanding acquittal documentation is received.

Level of funding available

Funding amounts are based on the State Sporting Association's Industry Investment Category.

Amount available

  • Category C and D: up to $40,000
  • Category E and F: up to $30,000
  • Provisional: up to $20,000

How to apply

  • read the guidelines for Sport Development Funding Program
  • contact your sport consultant to discuss your application
  • complete the application form with any relevant supporting documentation outlining how the funding will be spent
  • submit your application form via email to amber.dejong@dlgsc.wa.gov.au

Funding rounds timeline

There will be one funding round.

  1. Application process opens 15 March 2020.
  2. Applications close 12.01am 6 April 2021.

The dates identified above are indicative to allow the department to manage the funding available and assess the priority of applications across WA. 

Assessment and notification

An assessment will be made to determine if the application is eligible by assessing it against the grant criteria. If approved, a grant agreement will be entered into which outlines the grant conditions and acquittal requirements. Once signed and returned, the grant will be paid directly to the organisation.

Please note that while this is a targeted round — not all applications will be either successful or funded to the full amount requested. 

For further information

To discuss your application please contact your sports consultant.

Leederville office

246 Vincent Street, Leederville WA 6007
PO Box 8349 Perth Business Centre WA 6849
Telephone 61 8 6552 7300
Page reviewed 15 March 2021