Financial policy and accounting

The Department of Local Government, Sport and Cultural Industries (DLGSC) provides financial policy and accounting support to the local government sector.

On this page

The department offers local governments:

  • on-going support to build financial reporting and financial management information capability
  • information on upcoming Annual Local Government Finance Forums or webinars on accounting and regulatory changes and advice on topical financial reporting and budgetary matters
  • relevant, timely and reliable financial information via LG Alerts/circulars, to assist in their effective management of financial compliance
  • on-going updates to proposed Model Financial Statements (MFS) and related guidelines
  • information on Financial Better Practice Reviews.

Introduction to local government accounting

The Introduction to Local Government Accounting is a guide to assist new starters with accounting principles specific to Western Australian local government:

Budget and budget review 

Below is guidance to assist local governments in preparing budgets and notes in accordance with applicable authoritative requirements.

Financial reporting

Model Financial Statements

LG Alerts for financial reporting

Staff member using office equipment

Model Financial Statements 2023-24 update

Jun 25, 2024

LG Alert

The Department of Local Government, Sport and Cultural Industries (DLGSC) has released updated Model Financial Statements (MFS) guidance material for 2023-24 for all classes of local governments.
High angle view of currency and calculator on table - stock photo

Local government guidance: undertaking your next prescribed budget review

Dec 5, 2023

LG Alert

Regulation 33A of the Local Government (Financial Management) Regulations now requires local governments to undertake a review of their 2023-24 annual budget no earlier than 31 December 2023 and no later than 29 February 2024.

Submission of annual financial statements to the auditor

Sep 21, 2023

LG Alert

Section 6.4 of the Local Government Act 1995 sets out the obligations of local governments with regards to their annual financial reporting.
Staff member using office equipment

Local government financial reporting: non-accredited valuation contractors

Jun 2, 2023

LG Alert

Local governments have obligations to provide valuations for financial reporting purposes.
Accounting and financial analysis on the desk

Model Financial Statements for 2022-23 — guidelines and templates

May 16, 2023

LG Alert

The Department of Local Government, Sport and Cultural Industries (DLGSC) has released the Model Financial Statements (MFS) guidance material/templates that includes tiered and reduced financial reporting for local governments aligned with the State Government’s reform agenda.
Close up of a calculator and financial information on a page

Local Governments Financial Audit Preparedness 2021-22

Jun 15, 2022

LG Alert

With the start of the new financial year, WA local governments should ensure that they are in a position to allow the preparation of their financial statements and financial audits run as smoothly as possible.

Accounting guidelines and circulars

The following technical accounting guidelines will assist local governments to ensure they are complying with AAS, the Local Government Act 1995 and associated regulations: 

Accounting guidelines and circulars

The following technical accounting guidelines will assist local governments to ensure they are complying with AAS, the Local Government Act 1995 and associated regulations: 


Budget and audit extensions

Under the Local Government Act 1995:

  • a local government's budget for the financial year must be in place no later than 31 August of that year
  • the draft financial statements for the previous financial year must be submitted for audit no later than 30 September in the next financial year.

If a local government finds itself unable to meet these statutory deadlines, it can request the Minister for an extension to these deadlines. However, an extension must be requested prior to the deadline expiring, as the Act does not permit for retrospective extensions.

Applications must be accompanied by sufficient evidence to indicate that the applicant has authority to submit the application on the local government's behalf. In practice, the application will require a simple majority resolution of council or a letter/email from the CEO.

If an application is submitted without proof of authorization, DLGSC will contact the applicable CEO to confirm that the application was submitted on their instructions.    

Copies of the application forms are provided below and should be submitted to


Although every care has been taken in the production of these documents, neither the Crown in the right of the State of Western Australia nor any servant or agent of the Crown accepts responsibility for any loss or damage suffered at any time by any person as a result of any error, omission or inaccuracy in the publication whether or not the error, omission or inaccuracy has resulted from negligence or any other cause.

Page reviewed 25 June 2024