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An Aboriginal man in traditional dress performing a smoking ceremony

Photo: Barry Winmar (Whadjuk Aboriginal Cultural Centre Cultural Authority) attending a smoking ceremony as part of the site cleansing ceremony. Photo: Cole Baxter.

“Three months ago, the government invited us to be a part of the decision making regarding the site of the Aboriginal Cultural Centre for Western Australia.

“Today, we invited the government to be a part of our ceremony to cleanse the site and to provide permission and safe passage for the first site investigations to occur on Whadjuk Noongar Country.”

The Aboriginal Cultural Centre for Western Australia project marked another milestone in November, with a cleansing ceremony of the Terrace Road site prior to the start of ground investigation works.

The cultural event involved several ceremonies conducted by Whadjuk Noongar Elders including a smoking of the site, a water cleansing, ceremonial song and dance and a formal Welcome to Country.

A place of healing, celebration and acknowledgment, the Aboriginal Cultural Centre intends to deliver significant cultural, social, and economic benefits for Aboriginal people and communities.

A large group of people together at the location of the new Aboriginal Cultural Centre

Photo: Whadjuk Aboriginal Cultural Centre Cultural Authority members and the Aboriginal Cultural Centre Steering Committee at the cleansing ceremony.

An older Aboriginal women with a young girl at a smoking ceremony

An Aboriginal women holding a stick and branch performing a cleansing ceremony

An Aboriginal dance interacting with smoke at the cleansing ceremony


Page reviewed 27 February 2023