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Image credit: Ben Yew, The Smallest Stage, Produced by Bunbury Regional Entertainment Centre

Photo: Image credit: Ben Yew, The Smallest Stage, Produced by Bunbury Regional Entertainment Centre

The Bunbury Regional Entertainment Centre (BREC) received $150,000 to produce an astonishing and moving piece of autobiographical theatre ‘The Smallest Stage.’

BREC worked with first time playwright, and Manjimup local Kim Crotty to develop this production about creativity, fatherhood and separation. 

After its premiere at BREC, the show appeared at the Perth Festival to rave reviews.

Fiona de Garis, Executive Director at BREC, was effusive about the program and its implications for the future of regional theatre:

“This project modelled the possibility, for Bunbury and the South West, of creating high quality professional contemporary performance art in regional WA. The project confirmed the impact and legacy of a new work being driven by a regional venue/producer and regional lead artist, premiering at home, and then travelling to a metro centre.”

We’re proud of the role we play in making sure that high quality productions, exhibitions and facilities are available across WA.

Accordingly, we’ve introduced a new stream of arts funding which is due to open in mid-December and offer up to $60,000 for creative ventures and $50,000 for creative and cultural planning.

Applications for our Regional Performing Arts grant closed late this month. 


Page reviewed 27 February 2023