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LG Alert

As the leader of a local government’s administration, CEOs are key to the successful delivery of community services and facilities as determined by the council. The proposed reforms will contribute to standardising key performance indicators for CEOs, so they can be published on the local government’s website in an easy-to-understand format.  

These regulations also seek to improve the operation of the CEO employment standards by providing for the independent members on CEO selection panels to be drawn from a list maintained by the Department of Local Government, Sport and Cultural Industries (DLGSC), and for them to be paid in the same manner as independent committee members.  

These regulations also strengthen the requirement for a recruitment process to be undertaken where a current CEO has 10 or more consecutive years of service on expiry of their contract.

Public registers are proposed to provide clarity and transparency about key financial agreements local governments have entered into including: 

  • land leases and licenses
  • contracts for goods and services
  • grants and sponsorship arrangements
  • developer contributions. 

Draft regulations have been prepared to implement these provisions and submissions are now invited from the local government sector to inform further drafting of these provisions. Submissions may be made to until 21 March 2025. 

Read the regulations and explanatory paper here.

If you have further queries, please contact the Local Government Act Review team at


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Page reviewed 27 February 2023