Gaming function financial return lodgement guide

Completing your return.


Once the gaming function has been conducted a return must be submitted within the timeframe stipulated on your permit via your online account.

It is the responsibility of the permit holder, or a member of the applicant organisation, to submit financial returns via the Department’s online portal. This responsibility must not be given to a third party.  Additionally, no other party outside of the applicant organisation should be granted access to the organisation’s online account or be given its online account login details.

Sign into your online account and locate the section on Returns in Progress. Refer to the Gaming Function Permit Application Lodgement Guide for information on how to access your account.

Guide for information on how to access your account.

  1. Locate your recent application and click on the ‘+’ symbol to expand the approval.
  2. Click on Gaming Function Return to start your return
Gaming function lodgment guide step 1
  1. This is the Gaming Function Return form. It looks similar to the original application form. This form is navigated the same as the previous forms.
Gaming function lodgment guide step 3
  1. Return Period – This form is auto-filled from the original application
  2. Click Next to continue.
Gaming function lodgment guide step 4 and 5
  1. Return Details – Complete required fields regarding Receipts and Expenses.
Gaming function lodgment guide step 6
  1. Declaration. Complete the declaration page below.
Gaming function lodgment guide step 7

Submitting the return

Once the form is completely filled out you can click on Submit to finish and submit the form.

Calcutta lodgment guide submitting return

Click on Continue to return to the My Accounts page.

On the My Accounts page you can view the details of all your previous Approvals and Returns.

Page reviewed 20 April 2021