Inclusive club checklist

Regardless of age, gender, race and ability, inclusive clubs ensure that all members have an equal opportunity to participate at a level they choose.

Welcoming everyone

Sport and recreation clubs are important to local communities and can be the best place to encourage positive contact and cooperation between people from a range of different backgrounds and abilities. There is great potential for sporting clubs and community groups to expand their memberships and reduce social isolation, by encouraging people of diverse backgrounds, abilities and age to join and participate.

Being inclusive means welcoming everyone.

Are you proud of the way your club gives everyone a fair go?

Completing the checklist

This checklist enables you to self-assess how your club is tracking against a number of key areas. It's also a great way to get ideas about how to become more inclusive and welcoming for all.

This tool should only take about 15 minutes to complete.  

This is only a self-assessment tool and the department encourages you to complete it at least once a year, with:

As a general guide, your club should be aiming for a total score of at least 36 out of 54. 

Sharing your results with the department

You may complete the checklist anonymously or choose to submit your results to the department so your score can be viewed. The department will not publish or advertise scores, however the benefits of sharing your score will assist us with the following:

  • To gather information on the needs and requirements of clubs to better develop programs and initiatives to service clubs' needs. For example, training and development, resources, etc.
  • Working with State Sporting Associations and local government representatives who can use the results to understand where support for clubs may be required.


1. Club membership is open to all people, regardless of age, gender, race and ability.
2. The demographics of our club's membership (race, ability, gender) is representative of the broader community.
3. Support is available to assist in the completion of membership and other forms where required.


4. The club offers activities (e.g. skill development programs, general competitions, social competitions) which can be adapted or modified to suit diverse needs (e.g. the club is flexible about use of modified uniforms, equipment and rules).
5. The club facilitates programs, strategies or opportunities that engage new members to join the club, placing particular emphasis on increasing the club's diversity.
6. Non-playing roles within the club are made available and promoted to all club members e.g. volunteer roles.


7. The club has strategies in place to ensure affordability is not a barrier to participation (e.g. KidSport registered, offer flexible payment options).
8. The club has strategies in place to ensure transport to club training and games are not a barrier to participation for club members (e.g. training/games accessible by public transport, carpooling arrangements available and communicated, partnerships with relevant services that can provide transport).
9. The club is physically easy to get into e.g. ramps, wide doors, accessible changes rooms etc.

Attitudes and awareness

10. The club committee understands the benefits of being inclusive and communicates this to all club members.
11. The club committee is diverse and accurately representative of the broader community.
12. Everyone is treated equally and with respect, regardless of age, gender, race or ability.
13. Staff/volunteers are supported by appropriate inclusion training e.g. disability or cultural awareness training.
14. The club has an inclusion policy/strategy in place which is effectively communicated to all members.

Communication and marketing

15. The club invites people of diverse age, gender, race and ability to join.
16. Promotional material clearly states that membership is open to all people regardless of age, race, gender and ability.
17. There are opportunities for club members to provide feedback to the club.


18. The club is working with other organisation(s) to actively engage people from low participation groups (e.g. Aboriginal, Culturally and Linguistically Diverse communities and people with disability) in the club.

Total score

Your overall scores gives you an indication of how your club rates on being inclusive. As a general guide, your club should be aiming for a total score of at least 36 out of 54.

If you would like to submit your results to the department, this will help us gauge how inclusive clubs are in Western Australia.

The department can provide some support and advice to assist with improving your club's score, so contact us today.

More information

Community Participation Team
Department of Local Government, Sport and Cultural Industries
Telephone 61 8 9492 9835
Email the Community Participation team

Page reviewed 04 May 2020