
A list of publications put out by the department's service areas.

List of publications


Development of Dog and Cat Regulations cover

Development of Dog and Cat Regulations

Consultation Regulatory Impact Statement

Combat Sports Commission 2022-23 Annual Report

For the safety and organisation of combat sports in Western Australia.

Local Government Standards Panel Annual Report 2022-23

The Local Government Standards Panel (the Standards Panel) is the primary standards panel established under Part 5 Division 9 and Schedule 5.1 of the Local Government Act 1995 (the Act).

A screenshot of the fact sheet

Arts and Culture Monitor 2023 — Fact sheet

The department commissions independent research consultants to undertake an annual survey of WA's value and attitudes towards culture and the arts.

A screenshot of the cover of the survey report

Arts and Culture Monitor 2023 — Survey Report

The department commissions independent research consultants to undertake an annual survey of WA's value and attitudes towards culture and the arts.

Regional Subsidiary Charters

Local Government Operational Guidelines

Owners and Occupiers Roll

Local Government Operational Guidelines

Review of Strategic Directions 2016-2031 cover

Review of Strategic Directions 2016-2031

A review of Strategic Directions 2016-2031 (Strategic Directions 2031) to assess achievements against objectives by 2023.

WA Bookmaker Internet Betting System Approval

Gaming and Wagering Commission of WA

Minimum bet limits

This guideline explains how minimum bet limits apply for thoroughbred, greyhound and/or harness racing in Western Australia.

Aboriginal Cultural Centre: summary brochure cover

Aboriginal Cultural Centre: summary brochure

Read our overview that details the significance, meaning and approach for developing the Aboriginal Cultural Centre.


Pre-feasibility report

Developing a Western Australian Aboriginal Cultural Centre, located in Perth on the traditional lands of the Whadjuk Noongar, is a key priority of Government and the benefits of doing so are substantial.

Page reviewed 07 September 2023