
A list of publications put out by the department's service areas.

List of publications


Active Open Space (Playing Fields) in a Growing Perth Peel cover

Active Open Space (Playing Fields) in a Growing Perth Peel

Open space is an inherent part of the Australian culture, helping to define Perth and contribute to the physical and mental health of our community.

Cat Local Law Guidelines

This guideline has been prepared as an alternative to a Model Cat Local Law, to assist local governments in developing a Cat Local Law that caters for their unique situation.

Rating Policy: Valuation of Land — Mining

This document describes the legislative and policy basis for the application of minimum payments to land being rated by a local government.

Rating Policy: Minimum Payments

This document describes the legislative and policy basis for the application of minimum payments to land being rated by a local government. June 2023.

Rating Policy: Giving Notice

This policy aims to provide guidance to local governments on the legislative requirements governing the giving of notice on rates. June 2023.

Rating Policy: Differential Rates

Local governments impose rates on the properties within their district to raise revenue to fund the services and facilities provided to residents and visitors. March 2023.

A Guide to Meetings

A guide to meetings for elected members to support their effective participation in council and committee meetings.

Primary and Annual Returns

Local Government Operational Guidelines

Disclosures of Interest

Local Government Operational Guidelines

Financial Ratios

Local Government Operational Guidelines

Delegations, Authorisations and Acting Through

Local Government Operational Guidelines

Local laws

Local Government Operational Guidelines

Legal Representation for Council Members and Employees

Local Government Operational Guidelines

Use of Corporate Credit Cards

Local Government Operational Guidelines

Elected Members' Relationship with Developers

Local Government Operational Guidelines

Net Current Assets Used in the Annual Budget

Local Government Operational Guidelines

Clarity in Council Motions

Local Government Operational Guidelines

Page reviewed 07 September 2023