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Town of Cambridge issued with show cause notice

Media release

Local Government Minister David Templeman today issued the Town of Cambridge with a show cause notice asking why the local government should not be suspended for up to six months and require council members to undertake governance training.
Culture and Arts Minister David Templeman, Aboriginal Affairs Minister Ben Wyatt and AGWA Foundation Chair, Warwick Hemsley in the Art Gallery of Western Australia.

Support for WA artists through $1.5 million COVID support program

The State Government has approved a $1.5 million support package, developed by the Art Gallery of Western Australia's Board and the Art Gallery's Foundation, to help Western Australian artists during the COVID-19 emergency.
National Reconciliation Week 2020 banner

Show your support for National Reconciliation Week 2020 - "In This Together"

The State Government is inviting you to show your support for National Reconciliation Week 2020.
Hand signing a document

COVID Safety Guidelines and COVID Safety Plans

LG Alert

The WA Government has implemented a staged lifting of COVID-19 restrictions and developed guidelines to assist businesses and community activities to reopen or recommence.
Live audience

COVID-19 Audience Outlook Monitor

Six government agencies are collaborating with researchers to track how Australian audiences feel about attending arts and culture events in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic.

Local Government Act Review Phase One Regulations - Opportunity to Comment

The State Government is giving local governments the opportunity to comment on the Local Government Act Review Phase One Regulations.
Paperwork on desk

Procurement - Contract Extensions and Variations

On 4 May 2020, the Auditor General tabled a performance audit report in Parliament on local government contract extensions and variations.

How you can support your volunteers

To coincide with National Volunteer Week, here are some resources and tips to help sport and recreation organisations recognise and support their volunteers.
State Library of Western Australia building exterior

State Library reopens - Welcome home

Media release

The State Library of Western Australia has today (May 18) reopened its doors to the public after being closed for 56 days.
Man sitting in a library

COVID-19 Easing of restrictions – Further information for Public Libraries

LG Alert

The State Government has announced the easing of restrictions (phase 2) commencing Monday, 18 May 2020.

Council meetings

LG Alert

The Premier has announced that from 18 May gatherings of 20 people will be permitted. What does this mean for council meetings?
Library shelves

Local government sector urged to take leadership role

LG Alert

The local government sector has a key role to play in the Phase 2 easing of restrictions and in helping communities get back on their feet and the economy back on track.
Staff member using office equipment

Budget process

LG Alert

The Minister for Local Government is intending to make an Order using the new COVID-19 Response powers.
A person  writing with a pen

Local Government Amendment (COVID-19 Response) Act 2020

LG Alert

On 20 April 2020, the Local Government Amendment (COVID-19 Response) Act 2020 received Royal Assent.
Albany Artist and Creative Grid Mentee Chelsea Hopkins-Allan painting a larger than life Helena Gum Moth.

Funding to continue support for regional arts community

The State Government will invest $2.1 million over the next three years to ensure the continuity of grant funding for regional organisations and individuals delivering arts and cultural activities in their communities.

$159m COVID-19 Relief Fund to provide crisis support

Premier Mark McGowan and Lotterywest have today established a $159 million COVID-19 relief fund to provide support to organisations that are helping people experiencing hardship.


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Page reviewed 10 November 2023