
Latest news from the department.

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FRINGE Central. Photo: Cam Campbell

Live events risk-share program expanded

The successful Getting the Show back on the Road risk-share program has been expanded.
A puppy sitting and leaning to one side

Stop Puppy Farming Bill reintroduced

The Dog Amendment (Stop Puppy Farming) Bill 2021 (the Bill) has been reintroduced into Parliament.
Interior of an art gallery with displays of art pieces.

Funding available for upgrades to regional galleries

Public galleries in regional Western Australia can apply for funding from $2500 to $50,000 for minor or major scale upgrades and support through the Public Regional Galleries Improvement Fund.

Comment sought on planning reforms

LG Alert

Local governments are being invited to comment on the next phase of reforms to streamline the planning system and reduce red tape.

Changes to application deadlines for some culture and the arts grants

There are some important dates to remember if you’re planning to apply to some of the department’s culture and the arts grant programs.
The Alternative Archive exhibition

The Alternative Archive gives unique insight into local voices

Diverse artistic voices from across the State are being celebrated with the opening of The Alternative Archive survey exhibition in Perth.
Hand picking a bottle of wine up from shelf

Restrictions on the sale of packaged liquor due to COVID-19 — Kimberley region

The Director of Liquor Licensing has reviewed the previous restrictions on liquor purchases in the Kimberley put in place to support measures taken due to the COVID-19 pandemic.
Innovation Vouchers Program 2021

Call out to the creative industries – Innovation Vouchers now available

The Innovation Vouchers Program 2021 assists start-ups and small businesses (including the creative industries) to commercialise their ideas and innovations and expand to create jobs.
Naturalisation ceremony at the Northam Town Hall, 1955  SLWA BA1728/165

150 years of local government in WA

This year marks 150 years since a system of local government was introduced in Western Australia.
ASW Bunbury Melo Velo, Makers and co, Lighthouse 5

Bunbury plugs into e-waste solution

The City of Bunbury is one of three local governments to receive State Government funding from the WasteSorted e-Waste grants program.

Spotlight on the Shire of Mingenew

The Shire of Mingenew is about 100km south-east of Geraldton, covering about 2000 square kilometres.
Cottesloe council members inspecting their new rubbish tip truck, 1950.

Roads, rubbish, rates and a hat pin panic

Continuing Local Matters’ acknowledgement of 150 years of local government in WA, here are some lesser known facts about local governments from Dr Chris Berry.
Person writing

Program eases pressure on local small business

The cities of Melville, Rockingham and Wanneroo are the first group of councils selected to take part in the Small Business Friendly Approvals Program.
Amanda O'Halloran, CEO Shire of Derby West Kimberley

Spotlight on CEO Amanda O’Halloran, Shire of Derby West Kimberley

Amanda O’Halloran’s career as local government Chief Executive Officer has taken her from one of the smallest in size — the Shire of Wandering — to one of the largest, the Shire of Derby West Kimberley, at more than 104,000 square kilometres.
OMI Multicultural Award winners 2021

Awards showcase champions of multiculturalism

The Shire of Katanning has been recognised for its outstanding contribution towards multiculturalism at the Western Australian Multicultural Awards 2021.

COVID-19 Audience Outlook Monitor – March 2021 results out now

After months of low COVID-19 cases, Western Australians are confident returning to arts and cultural events – and many are making firm plans to do so.


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Page reviewed 10 November 2023