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Performers at the Nannup Music Festival 30th anniversary parade, 2019. Picture by Giselle Natassia.

Grant programs to reignite regional arts and cultural activity

Media release

Regional Western Australia will become a hive of arts and cultural activity thanks to three grant programs opening this month, as part of the Regional Arts and Cultural Investment Program (RACIP).

Arts and Culture Monitor 2020

The Arts and Culture Monitor is an annual independent survey into how Western Australians view the arts. The 2020 report shows strong public support for the value of the State’s culture and arts activities.
Children making puppets at Claremont Christmas Event, 2014. Facilitated by Spare Parts Puppet Theatre. Photo by Jessica Wyld

Now open — Creative Communities COVID-19 Recovery Program

Applications are now open to the DLGSC and Lotterywest Creative Communities COVID-19 Recovery Program.
Abstract painting

House of Representatives Standing Committee on Communications and the Arts inquiry into Australia’s cultural and creative industries and institutions

Australia’s cultural and creative industries and institutions will be the focus of a new Parliamentary inquiry.
Red dirt road in Western Australia

Pilbara banned drinkers register trial to launch in December

Media release

The State Government's trial of a banned drinkers register (BDR) in the Pilbara region will launch on December 1 following the appointment of a Western Australian company to deliver the program.
Girls from Kununurra Netball Association travelling to Broome

Sporting club grants shaping healthier community venues

Media release

Applications have opened for Healthway's Summer Healthy Sporting Club Program.
Movie camera dolly on tracks

State Government issues casting call for film studio in Perth

Media release

The State Government is seeking proposals from the private sector to build, locate and operate a screen production facility in Western Australia.
Oil painting

DLGSC and Lotterywest Creative Communities COVID-19 Recovery Program – coming soon

The arts play a significant role in supporting communities to tackle disruption and re-establish local connection, strength and resilience beyond the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic.
Colourful paint buckets

COVID-19 Creative Industries Impact Survey – available now

The department is conducting a targeted survey to assess COVID-19 impacts on employment and revenue in the creative industries in Western Australia.
Optus Stadium view from the Swan River at twilight.

Major sport and entertainment events bring economic boost for WA

Media release

Western Australians were treated to a choice of sport and entertainment events last week helping to stimulate the local economy.
Esperance stadium opening

Esperance’s $7.8 million indoor stadium up and running

Media release

Esperance's new $7.8 million indoor sports stadium was officially opened today and is ready for the start of the winter netball season this weekend.
Artist's impression of the Art Gallery of Western Australia rooftop.

Art Gallery rooftop project to feature giant Aboriginal artwork

Media release

The State Government has today announced the successful contractor tasked with transforming the Art Gallery of WA's (AGWA) rooftop into a multi-use gallery space and rooftop venue over the next six months.
State Government support to culture and the arts during COVID-19. Information is included below.

State Government COVID-19 response $23.4 million for culture and the arts in Western Australia

The State Government has responded to the needs of the culture and the arts sector in Western Australia, providing $23.4 million in funding and support as part of COVID-19 responses.
art gallery visitors looking at paintings

Relief fund to support galleries to bounce back

Media release

A $195,000 relief fund will be available for eligible regional art galleries that had to cancel exhibitions and close their doors due to COVID-19.
Red dirt road in Western Australia

$1 million program to rekindle regional arts

Media release

A new $1 million grant program will provide vital funding to support ongoing creative and cultural activity in Western Australia's regions.

WA Hiking Strategy to sustain boom in bushwalking and trail running

The State Government has released a 10-year WA Hiking Strategy to ensure Western Australians continue to enjoy the great outdoors in a safe and sustainable way.


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Page reviewed 10 November 2023